It won't be long now before Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg says 10 billion "things" are shared on Facebook every day.
Facebook's "like" sign
(Credit: Facebook)
There was one big thing that was missed in all the hype surrounding Facebook's earnings report today: Open Graph. Announced at f8 2011, the new class of social apps is responsible for all the "frictionless sharing" you've been seeing on the social network lately. During the investors call today, Facebook co-founder and CEO Zuckerberg unveiled that every day, almost 1 billion pieces of content are shared on Facebook via Open Graph.
I would estimate this is coming from some 5,000 Open Graph apps (back in March, Facebook had 3,000). Because Open Graph essentially means automatic sharing on your Timeline, as well as your Facebook friends' Ticker and News Feed, many apps have seen explosive growth